It is incredibly easy to live well. A calm, peaceful life. Nothing too extravagant, nothing too hard. It takes some effort to get there, maybe. but it is worth it.


Choose your friends. Surround yourself with the right people; smarter than you, kinder than you and will fill each other's cups. Place yourself in a location that's ideal for you/your family. For us, it's living in Perth.


Take care of your physical health. Without healthy body, your mind can't function well. It doesn't take much. An hour a day, 3-5x a week to workout. Eat reasonably well. Try to cook your own food as much as you can. Do everything you can to get full nights' sleep.


You are what you consume. Limit doom scolling and social media. Consume more on what can help you achieve more. Keep yourself occupied with creating as that is good for your soul. Don't worry yourself with the future (atleast not too much). As my mom says, "Keep doing the work. InshaAllah, it will come"

Be grateful for 3 things in your life everyday.


Pray to The almighty. Nothing you are today is without His will. So don't forget to pray and remain humble that we are just a weak human being that is at His mercy.

You see, it's all the boring things.

So yes. I'm officially old. Wise, hopefully.