I think I finally have a decent blog, after a few hours tinkering with Eleventy and NodeJS. Today, I changed how I did the post tagging, and everything it's so much more efficient.

It's no easy feat, as I'm only a designer, and pretty much codes front end only. Almost exclusively on HTML and CSS really, while everything backend was handled by WordPress.

I was intrigued when I heard that a very lightweight development is possible. I started learning everything from the bottom; learning NodeJS, using Terminal in VScode (yes I'm that noob). Since Eleventy and NodeJS in general are meant for developers, there are lots of gaps in their documents. I guess the assumption is, if you are using these, you should be able to code Javascript. ...which I don't šŸ’€.

Things that I've built on my blog:

  1. Created collections
  2. Built the tagging filters and tags templates
  3. Added support for Emoji
  4. Made the permalink nicer (similar to WordPress)

Doesn't seem like much when I list them above, but a lot of walls were hit and oftentimes I feel like I'm doing things in the dark. I'm learning Eleventy, Javascript, Nunjucks and Liquid all at the same time.šŸ’€šŸ’€

I was just realising what a rabbit hole I dug. BUT I've been enjoying exploring it. It's such a nice, fresh challenge to take on, and I look forward to keep adding more features to this blog.

If you want to reach me, feel free to DM me on X