I got a new camera just a few weeks ago, and been looking for a case since. But searches after, we couldn’t find something that could fit LX5 nicely, due to it’s protruding lens (contrary to normal digicam). So, finally, after Eddie’s suggestion, I made a case for it.
For the first time! hoho. It was quite hard for me to imagine how to do it (again, the lens), so I just went ahead and did some trial. I wanted to start with something really simple but it looked okay but not fun. So then I thought it’d look so cute if it looks like a camera! It’ll be fun to wear too!
I know, I know, not too proud on the workmanship, but my hand stitching did improve as I progressed this project. hahah
Yeay, buttons! They are the best!
It opens on top to allow the straps, finished with velcro closure. Gonna make a strap to attach the case to the camera strap so I won’t lose the case when I’m using the camera.
Overall, I’m very pleased with the result. It looks fun, it’s cute. I love it. Surely, there are a lot of room for improvements. Ah, that’s just the reason to make more of felt crafts!
p.s, check out the original handmade camera case by Hine. super awesome.
p.p.s, check out ButtonPlanetEnt. They have extensive range of buttons and craft materials!
comel je! hehe.
hey! u tiru mine! haha
jk,, but its really cute though 🙂
eh? lol. I tiru link i bg tu ahaha :p show me yourssss plssss 😀
took me so long to find it…haha
but this one’s for my instax la..(bkn u dh tgk ke?)
trying to make one for my dad’s camera..dont know how to navigate ard the lens part
ohh this one… yes yesss ive seen this before. very cute! hehehe
wah comel la cover nih…
kite pn na try buat case sndiri tp ta tau cam ne mulakan n what kind of material should i use.. can u help me??